Sunday, June 19, 2016

Feeding Baby for the First Time

    My newborn baby Jamiel :) 

Within the first hour in your arms, your baby will be ready for their first feed. Whether you choose to breastfeed or not, you are going to spend a lot of time feeding your baby over the first few weeks and months. 

Breastfeeding can be the most natural thing in the world but it isn't always the easiest. It may take time for both you and your baby to get used to. Remember, it's the first time for both of you.

Your first breast milk is a special substance called colostrum. It's a yellowish fluid full of protein and immunity-boosting antibodies great for baby.

Breastfeeding can be difficult so try not to get too worried, talk to a doctor or a lactation consultant for help. If breastfeeding isn't for you, there are great milk formula alternatives available. The important thing is that your baby gets the nutrition she/he needs. 


-A good latch is key. Wait until your baby's mouth is open wide and then help her latch. The areole should be in the baby's mouth. The squeezing action on the areole is what releases the milk. If it doesn't feel right, use your finger to break the suction and try again.

-Each breastfeed typically lasts between 20-45 minutes every 3 hours.

-Check if baby is eating enough by tracking how long you nursed, on which breaks, and count their wet diapers. In the first few days, there should be 1-3 wet diapers per day. A diaper with a urine activated wetness indicator can help with this.

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